Over the last few weeks AWMA have been monitoring the COVID-19 outbreak and the impact it is having on our people, clients and community.
We are committed to providing and maintaining a working environment which minimises risks to the health of all.
Having regard to advice from the Australian Government and leading world health authorities, we have implemented a number of preventative measures and protocols designed to simultaneously limit the risk of spreading the virus and ensuring we can continue to secure your needs.
- We have and will continue to communicate all relevant information with our team so they are fully informed of the most appropriate way to undertake business safely and productively during these unprecedented times
- We will carefully consider all domestic travel plans, we have ceased all international business travel plans
- Any site work will be subject to risk assessment
- Staff showing any of the identified symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to work from home and self-isolate for 14 days, unless the suspected case has been confirmed as negative; and
- Wherever possible, face to face meetings will be substituted by conference or video calls.
If you (or your staff or contractors) have been confirmed as having COVID‐19, have been or have potentially been in contact with someone who has a confirmed case of COVID‐19, or are feeling unwell with the known symptoms, please do not arrive at AWMA. Please call the Health Line on 1800 022 222.
At this stage AWMA remains fully operational and our client work is continuing as normal, but this could change at any time. Whilst this is a challenging situation for all, we are confident in our ability to work collaboratively to navigate these unusual and uncertain times. We will communicate regularly with our clients and suppliers as things evolve and if our operations and capacities change. We will continue to take a measured and composed response to the impacts of COVID-19 and be guided by official authorities.
If you have any concerns or questions about your interactions with AWMA during this time, please reach out to your AWMA contact – or to me.
Brett Kelly
Managing Director
AWMA Water Control Solutions