All Flood Environmental Irrigation Urban Water Dams Energy & Resources Screens Penstocks for TasWater WTPPenstocks for WWTP in Hong KongIsolation Gates for Australian AirportsNZ Port PenstockAWMA Regulating and Isolating Water Control Structures for Central InterceptorSpecialised Water Control Gates for Drouin WWTP UpgradeLuggage Point STP Isolation Bulkhead Gates for Outfall ChannelUrban Water Gate Replacement Project for Overshot GateBackflow Prevention for Where Urban Storm Water Meets TidalMelbourne Water’s Wet Weather Capacity Upgrade at the Western Treatment PlantStopboards for Water Corporation’s Mundaring Water Treatment PlantOver 100 Flow Control Structures for the Victorian Desalination PlantPenstocks and Stop Gates for Sydney Water’s North Head STPOver 72 Water Control Gates For The Kurnell Desalination Plant, SydneyStainless Steel Penstocks supplied for Mangere BNR UpgradeIsolation Bulkhead and Lifting Frame for VIC ReservoirOver 100 Water Control Assets for Boneo Water Recycling PlantWater Control Gates for Sydney Water Treatment FacilitiesNepean Tunnel Isolation Gate: 4.5 tonne Dual Leaf TLF PenstockFilter Inlet Penstocks with Drip Tight Seal for QLD WTPPurpose-built Isolation Bulkhead for Amaroo Main Sewer ProjectLower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre Penstocks Provide Improved Plant PerformaceRound Bottom Penstock For The Melbourne Main Sewer Replacement ProjectStainless Steel Penstocks for WWTP Bypass Engineered Penstocks for Melbourne Water's Northern Sewerage ProjectPenstocks and Modular Stopboards Isolate Seawater at Southern Seawater Desalination PlantDecant Penstock With Specialised Decanting Mechanism Sustains High Frequency Duty Cycles