The wet weather capacity upgrade works ensure that as Melbourne’s population grows, the Western Treatment Plant is able to carry larger peak flows during heavy rainfall.
Water Resources Alliance engaged AWMA to design, manufacture and install a range of fully automated stainless steel Tainter gates and penstocks, complete with actuation systems and access platforms.
Three Tainter gates and eight penstocks were supplied to control flows through inlet carriers up to 4m wide.
The automated Tainter gates measure up to 3.2m wide x 2.3m high and include emergency actuation frames with winching systems.
The ULF undershot penstocks allow for clear water up to 3.8m wide x 1.3m high and are automated with dual spindle actuation systems. The automated TLF top seal penstock is an off-seating, non-modulating gate isolating a 600mm pipe end to a maximum operating head of 2.1m.
This project will double the capacity of the inlets into the lagoon networks by duplicating the main sewerage inlet carrier, allowing for population growth whilst maintaining a 1 in 5 year wet weather containment requirement.
The new site design will give operators the flexibility to control incoming sewage and wet weather flows between the treatment ponds, well into the future.
For more information
Client: Water Resources Alliance
Asset Owner: Melbourne Water, VIC
Value: $61.1 Million