AWMA successfully delivered 30 specialised water control gates for the Drouin WWTP upgrade.
The Central Gippsland region of Victoria has experienced rapid growth. As such, the capacity of the Drouin WWTP is to be increased.
AWMA partnered with Laurie Curran Water, ICON/CCB Envico, Gippsland Water and their designers, KBR, to deliver this project.
As the only Victorian penstock manufacturer, AWMA was able to deliver local content into the project.
Overshot and undershot penstocks (electrically actuated), as well as isolating stop boards and bulkhead gates, were custom-designed, with a 25+ year service life.
Due to the corrosive environment, all water control equipment was manufactured from grade 316 stainless steel materials.
AWMA equipment undergoes in-house factory acceptance testing and on-site commissioning. It is designed to ensure mechanical equipment can be operated safely over long periods without frequent maintenance or operator intervention.
All gates were delivered on time or earlier to accommodate changes in the installation schedule.