Robson Civil Projects engaged AWMA to restore a tidal habitat for endangered migratory shorebirds at Kooragang Wetland, Hunter Wetlands National Park, Ash Island, NSW.
An improved water management system as well as vegetation control is required to achieve ideal conditions for the ecological values inside the wetland. Early contractor involvement provided an opportunity for the development of a suitable solution, to the benefit of all interested parties.
The custom designed water control infrastructure incorporates two super duplex stainless steel ULF undershot gates, an automated actuation system, level sensors, control cabinet, solar power, webcam and associated systems. The gates were manufactured from grade super duplex to ensure a long service life in the harsh marine environment.
Automation of the regulators is via AWMA’s gate control software. AWMA can integrate product automation into any industry standard control and monitoring package. Extensive program features include independent gate operation, SMS alarm systems, automatic level and flow management as well as audio and visual warning devices.
The Kooragang regulator will manage realtime flood and tidal waters to either reduce water flow into the wetland or to withold the maximum amount of water possible, creating suitable conditions for the shorebirds.