AWMA were engaged by Clough to supply Bulkhead Gates, structural frames, guides and lifting devices for the Mundaring Weir Outlet Upgrade.
The scope of works included the design,manufacture, supply, construction, testing and commissioning of the internal bulkhead gates designed to isolate the water inlets in an Intake Tower. Internal bulkhead gate assemblies were required at two positions, i.e. the water supply inlet and bottom inlet.
The bulkhead gates were manufactured from grade 316 stainless steel with top seals to withstand a maximum working differential head pressure of 35m for the bottom inlet and 23m for the water supply inlet.
Due to the inaccessibility of the inlets, the gate assemblies required an integral self-engaging lifting frame and gantry.
The Bulkheads were designed for insertion and removal under hydrostatically balanced conditions. This process required in-house hydrostatic testing of bulkheads (to 1.5 times maximum operating head).
Factory Acceptance Seal Performance Testing to more than 50mWC was also conducted at AWMA’s manufacturing facility.
The Bulkheads also feature custom one-piece seals to optimise seal performance.