They’re great -They work!! exclaims landlord after successfully deploying AWMA Flood Barriers, “with no flood water entering the building, its business as usual almost immediately after the flood waters recede”.
Castlemaine’s ‘The Mill’ located in central Victoria, was established in 1875 as the Castlemaine Woollen Mill. In 2014 the site was purchased by two locals with a vision to develop the space to support local businesses. Extensive development has already seen a great response from visitors to the area.
In addition to working on the development of The Mill, landlord Phil McConachy recognised the need to protect the historic buildings, property and operators from frequent flood events. Located along Castlemaine’s Barkers Creek the site is subject to flash flooding with water rising and descending extremely quickly. In September 2016 floodwater broke the creek banks at 7am to reach the sites café entrance by 9am.
Fortunately Phil had slept on site that night to ensure that as soon as floods were predicted to head his way, with a mate and a bobcat he dropped a number of AWMA Flood Barriers into their embedded frames within doorways and entrances to isolate the property from floodwaters. By 2pm, the same day, the kneehigh water had receded, the flood barriers were back in storage and businesses could operate as per usual.
Phil was so impressed by the ease of operation and success of the flood barriers that he now has four AWMA Demountable Flood Barriers with three more soon to be delivered, allowing a “lockdown” of the whole food precinct which is located on the creek floodplain. The embedded frames can be protected in high traffic areas or be customised to replicate the aesthetics of adjoining walls. Phil has since installed a solar powered sensor in the nearby stormwater pit to provide an alert signal with enough time to allow installation of all flood barriers before waters reach access areas. With sleepovers no longer necessary, Phil can rest assured that his property is well protected.