AWMA was engaged by Fulton Hogan to deliver further projects for SA Water on behalf of the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) under the South Australian Riverland Floodplains Integrated Infrastructure Program (SARFIIP), a $155 million investment program funded by the Australian Government through the Murray–Darling Basin Authority and implemented by DEW in partnership with SA Water.
Located in South Australia, the 6,700 hectare Pike Floodplain is a highly valued ecological and cultural area, featuring permanent and temporary wetlands.
New regulator structures on the downstream side of the wetland were required to better manage flows, facilitating planned and controlled flow inundation to improve the health of the floodplain.
AWMA has recently received international recognition for the innovative use of stainless steel in water control applications. This project will benefit from AWMA’s stainless steel water control gates; including superior strength, increased durability, extended design life and low whole of life costs.
AWMA designed and manufactured the largest ever, stainless steel MultiBay LayFlat Gates for this project. Fabricated from grade 316 stainless steel and combined with proven AWMA designs, delivers a 50+ year asset life for the client.
The major regulators at Pike River and Tanyaca Creek encompass six-bay MultiBay LayFlat Gates with Fishways.
Each LayFlat Gate is 2.0m wide x 3.85m high in size, and will be manually controlled via a portable hydraulic power pack.
Ancillary Regulators were supplied as a series of fabricated Segmented Stoplogs as well as the installation of Sidewinder Gates to facilitate regulator Fishways.
AWMA Sidewinder Gates are often incorporated for Fishway management due to their fish-friendly, vertical design, unobstructed flow and ease of operation.